What do you do when you need new auto glass in Cambridge? You visit All Auto Glass Cambridge. Many people need their glass windshields repaired or replaced after all this crazy winter weather.
According to reports from the Federal Highway Administration, Americans drove less in February 2014 compared to a year ago. In fact, there was a -0.8 percent decrease, which may not seem like much, but when you consider that equaled 1.7 billion vehicle miles, it’s significant.
Why do you think people drove less in February 2014 than February 2013? One word: weather. Okay, two words: bad weather. If you lived through the winter in Minnesota this past year, you know it wasn’t just cold—it was freezing cold, for weeks and weeks at a time. This past winter’s weather seemed endlessly cold, snowy, icy, grey and depressing. The “polar vortex” from the Arctic swooped down over Minnesota and the Great Lakes region of the USA, bringing with it temperatures that were much colder than normal. And the wind howled for days, didn’t it?
The bad weather in the Midwest and Northeast meant people stayed home—they didn’t go out shopping or to eat at restaurants as much as they normally might. In the country’s “North Central”
region, which includes Minnesota, traffic was down -1.1 percent in February 2014 compared to the year before, while the Northeast declined by -3.0 percent.
The awful winter weather made driving difficult for millions of people, who had to battle whiteout conditions, falling icicles, and stones kicked up by plows and giant trucks. And you know what came after the harsh winter? Potholes—crater-like, huge potholes. Your cars and trucks have had to feel like “urban assault vehicles” lately.
The bad weather and its aftermath meant many people’s auto glass got damaged. For those who have a crack in their windshield and have yet to get it taken care of, now’s the time to make an appointment with All Auto Glass Cambridge for repairs—or windshield replacement if needed. Accepting all insurances, All Auto Glass Cambridge can quickly and efficiently repair or replace your broken windshield; call 763-444-0109 to get it done.